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Exploring Autodesk Revit 2017 for Structure , 7th Edition - Tutorial de autodesk revit 2017 free


When you click on this option, you are directed to the Autodesk Revit page that has a list of videos of newly added features in Revit. You can click on a link to view the corresponding video. You can choose the Essential Skills Videos option to view the videos related to basic and advance concepts in Revit These videos and their associated information help you to learn about the complete software.

Moreover, you can choose the Autodesk App Store option to access various add-ons that can be used to enhance the productivity of Revit. In this page, various links are available as add-ons which can be used in Revit applications. In the Revit Community option of the Resources section, you can access information related to various communities and their contribution in the form of articles, tutorials, and videos.

In the Projects section, choose the Open option; the Open dialog box will be displayed. Browse to the desired location in the dialog box and select the file. Now, choose the Open button to open the file. To open a new project file, choose the New option from the Projects section. In this dialog box, make sure that the Project radio button is selected, and then choose the OK button; a new project file will open and the interface screen is activated.

To create a new project template file, choose the New option from the Projects section. The New Project dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, select the base template from the Template file drop-down list and make sure that the Project template radio button is selected. Choose the OK button; a new project template file will open and the interface screen is activated. In Autodesk Revit, ribbon is an interface from where you can invoke tools. The ribbon, which contains task-based tabs and panels, streamlines the structural workflow and optimizes the project delivery time.

In Autodesk Revit, when you select an element in the drawing area, the ribbon displays a contextual tab that comprises of tools corresponding to the selected element. The interface of Autodesk Revit is similar to the interfaces of many other Microsoft Windows-based programs. The main parts in the Revit interface are discussed next.

Project 1- Structural Plan: Level 1 is the default project name and view. The ribbon, as shown in Figure , is an interface that is used to invoke tools. When you open a file, the ribbon is displayed at the top in the screen. It comprises task-based tabs and panels, refer to Figure , which provide all the tools necessary for creating a project. The tabs and panels in the ribbon can be customized according to the need of the user.

This can be done by moving the panels and changing the view states of the ribbon the method of changing the ribbon view state is discussed later in this chapter. The ribbon contains buttons, drop-downs, panels, tabs, and tools. These buttons and the tools can be selected from the corresponding panels. Tooltips appear when you place the cursor over any of the tool icons in the ribbon. The name of the tool appears in a box helping you in identifying the tool icon.

In the ribbon, you can move a panel and place it anywhere on the screen. To do so, press and hold the left mouse button on the panel label in the ribbon, and then drag the panel to a desired place on the screen. Next, use the tools of the moved panel and place the panel back in the ribbon.

To do so, place the cursor on the moved panel and choose the Return Panels to Ribbon button from the upper right corner of this panel, as shown in Figure ; the panel will return to the ribbon.

The ribbon can be displayed in three view states by selecting any of the following four options: Minimize to Tabs , Minimize to Panel Titles , Minimize to Panel Buttons , and Cycle through All. To use these options, place the cursor over the second arrow on the right of the Modify tab in the ribbon, refer to Figure ; the arrow will be highlighted. Next, click on the down arrow; a flyout will be displayed, as shown in Figure From this flyout, you can choose the Minimize to Tabs option to display the only tabs in the ribbon.

If you choose the Minimize to Panel Titles option, the ribbon will display the titles of the panels along with the tabs. You can choose the Minimize to Panel Buttons option to display panels as buttons in the ribbon along with tabs. Figure Various options in the flyout for changing the view state of the ribbon. If the ribbon is changed to a different view state, then on placing the cursor over the first arrow on the right of the Modify tab, the Show Full Ribbon tooltip will be displayed.

Click on the arrow; the full ribbon will be displayed. These tabs are displayed when you choose certain tools or select elements. They contain a set of tools or buttons that relate only to a particular tool or element. For example, when you invoke the Beam tool, the Modify Place Beam contextual tab is displayed. The Select panel contains the Modify tool. The Properties panel contains the Properties button and the Type Properties tool.

The Mode panel has some necessary tools that are used to load model families or to create the model of a window in a drawing. The other panels, apart from those discussed above, contain the tools that are contextual and are used to edit elements when they are placed in a drawing or selected from a drawing for modification.

The application frame helps you manage projects in Autodesk Revit. These options are discussed next. The Application button is displayed at the top-left corner of the Autodesk Revit interface. This button is used to display as well as close the Application Menu. The Application Menu contains tools that provide access to many common file actions such as Open , Close , and Save. Click on the down arrow on the Application button to display the Application Menu , as shown in Figure The Quick Access Toolbar , shown in Figure , contains the options to undo and redo changes, open and save a file, create a new file, and so on.

You can customize the display of the Quick Access Toolbar by adding more tools and removing the unwanted tools. To add a tool or a button from the panel of the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar , place the cursor over the button; the button will be highlighted.

Next, right-click; a flyout will be displayed. The Quick Access Toolbar can be customized to reorder the tools displayed in it. To do so, choose the down arrow next to the Switch Windows drop-down, refer to Figure ; a flyout will be displayed. Use various options in this dialog box and choose the OK button; the Customize Quick Access Toolbar dialog box will close and the tools in the Quick Access Toolbar will be reordered. You can use InfoCenter to search for information related to Revit Help to display the Subscription Center panel for subscription services and product updates, and to display the Favorites panel to access saved topics.

Figure displays various tools in InfoCenter. The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the interface screen.

When the cursor is placed over an element or a component, the Status Bar displays the name of the family and type of the corresponding element or components. It also displays prompts and messages to help you use the selected tools. The View Control Bar is located at the lower left corner of the drawing window, as shown in Figure It can be used to access various view-related tools. The Scale button shows the scale of the current view.

You can choose this button to display a flyout that contains standard drawing scales. From this flyout, you can then select the scale for the current view. The Detail Level button is used to set the detail level of a view. You can select the required detail level as Coarse , Medium , and Fine. Similarly, the Visual Style button enables you to set the display style. The Options Bar provides information about the common parameters of a component type.

It also displays options for creating or editing them. The options displayed in the Options Bar depend on the type of component being created and selected for editing. Figure displays the options in the Options Bar to create a structural column.

Figure The Options Bar with different options to create a structural column. The Drawing Area is the actual modeling area where you can create and view the building model. It covers the major portion of the interface screen. You can draw building components in this area. The position of the pointing device is represented by the cursor. The Drawing Area also has the standard Microsoft Windows functions and buttons such as close, minimize, maximize, scroll bar, and so on.

These buttons have the same function as that of the other Microsoft Windows-based programs. The Project Browser is located below the ribbon. It displays project views, schedules, sheets, families, and groups in a logical tree-like structure, as shown in Figure and helps you open and manage them.

To open a view, double-click on the name of the view, or drag and drop the view in the Drawing Area. You can close the Project Browser or dock it anywhere in the Drawing Area. The Project Browser can be organized to group the views and sheets based on the project requirement.

For example, while working on a large project with a number of sheets, you can organize the Project Browser to view and access specific sheets. The current view in the drawing window is highlighted in bold letters.

The default project file has a set of preloaded views. In Autodesk Revit, accelerator keys have been assigned to some of the frequently used tools.

These keys are shortcuts that you can type through the keyboard to invoke the corresponding tool. Accelerator keys corresponding to a tool appear as a tooltip when you move the cursor over the tool. The Properties palette, as shown in Figure , is a modeless interface, which displays the type and element properties of various elements and views in a drawing. The Properties palette is dockable and resizable, and it supports multiple monitor configurations.

The Properties palette is displayed in the Revit interface by default and it shows the instance properties of an active view. When you select an element from a drawing, the Properties palette displays its instance properties.

You can also access the type properties of the selected element from the Properties palette. To do so, choose the Edit Type button from the palette; the Type Properties dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, you can change the type properties of the selected element. In the Properties palette, you can assign a type to a selected element in a drawing from the Type Selector drop-down list.

In Revit, you can toggle the display of the Properties palette in its interface. Choose the Properties button in the Properties panel of the Modify tab to hide it. Similarly, you can choose the Properties button to display the palette if it is not visible in the interface. As you become accustomed to use Autodesk Revit, you will find these Keyboard Accelerators quite useful because they save the effort of browsing through the menus.

Some Autodesk Revit tools, when invoked, display a dialog box. A dialog box is an interface for accessing, specifying, and modifying the parameters related to that tool. A dialog box consists of various parts such as dialog label, radio buttons, text or edit boxes, check boxes, slider bars, image box, buttons, and tools, which are similar to other windows-based programs. Some dialog boxes contain the [ There are certain buttons such as OK , Cancel , and Help , which appear at the bottom of most of the dialog boxes.

The names of the buttons imply their respective functions. The button with a dark border is the default button. The multiple document environment feature allows you to open more than one project at a time in a single Autodesk Revit session.

This is very useful when you want to work on different projects simultaneously and make changes with reference to each other.

Sometimes, you may need to incorporate certain features from one project into the other. With the help of multiple document environment feature, you can open multiple projects and then use the Cut , Copy and Paste tools from the Clipboard panel of the Modify type of element tab to transfer the required components from one project to another.

To access the opened projects, click on the Switch Windows drop-down list in the Windows panel of the View tab; the options for the names of different opened project files will be displayed, as shown in Figure Like other Microsoft Windows-based programs, you can select and view the opened projects using the Cascade Windows and Tile Windows tools from the Windows panel of the View tab. The cascaded view of projects is shown in Figure This enables structural engineers to collaborate with Architects.

One of the important aspects of the job of a structural engineer is to collaborate and share information with the rest of the design team including the architect. Revit can import the models and geometries as ACIS solids. This feature makes Autodesk Revit an efficient, user-friendly, and compatible software.

Building Information Modeling BIM is defined as a design technology that involves the creation and use of coordinated, internally consistent, and computable information about a building project in design and construction. Using BIM, you can demonstrate the entire life cycle of a building project starting from the process of construction, facility operation, and information about quantities and shared properties of elements.

BIM enables the circulation of virtual information model from the design team to contractors and then to the owner, thereby adding changes and their knowledge to update the model at each stage of transfer. The ability to keep information up-to-date and make it available in an integrated digital environment enables the architects, owners, builders, and engineers to have clear vision of the project before the commencement of actual construction. It also enables them to make better and faster decisions to improve the quality and profitability of projects.

Autodesk Revit is a specially designed platform based on BIM. In Revit, the analytical and physical representations of a structural model are created simultaneously. These representations are just different views of a computable building model that contains necessary information for a third-party analysis application.

Revit provides a common modeling interface for third-party analysis applications. You can use Revit API to move data directly from the Revit building information model to the analysis software. You can further bring back the analysis while keeping the analysis, design, and documentation synchronized.

In Revit, change anywhere is change everywhere. A change made in your project at any stage is reflected in the entire project, and also, due to the parametric behavior of elements, the project is updated automatically. Also, the integration of Revit with the available in-built commercial tools such as solar studies, material takeoffs, and so on greatly simplifies the project design and reduces the time consumed by these analyses, thereby enabling faster decision making. Worksharing is a method of distributing work among people involved in a project, and accomplishing it within the stipulated period of time.

In worksharing, each person involved in the project is assigned a task that has to be accomplished through proper planning and by coordinating with the other members of the team.

In a large scale building project, worksharing helps in finishing a project in time and meeting the quality requirements that are set during the process. Generally, in a large scale building project, worksharing is based on the specialization of work.

The professionals such as structural engineers, architects, interior architects, and MEP engineers are involved in their respective fields to accomplish the project. So, the distribution of work at the primary stage is made on the basis of the area of specialization. Each professional has his own set of work to perform for the accomplishment of the project.

Therefore, worksharing is an important process that is required to be implemented efficiently to complete the project in time. In Autodesk Revit, you can apply server-based worksharing with the help of Revit Server, which is a server application. The central server hosts the central model of a workshared project and remains accessible to all team members over the Wide Area Network.

The local server hosts a local updated copy of the central model. In the Worksharing environment, the team members are not aware of the local server as it is transparent in their daily operations. Refer to Figure for the network model of Revit Server.

In Worksharing environment, a team member starts working on the local model of the central model. The local model will be saved in the computer of the team member. As the team member works, the local server requests updated information from the central model on the central server, using available network capacity to transfer the data over the WAN. The updated version of the model is stored on the local server, so the updates are readily available when a team member requests them.

In Autodesk Revit, the physical model represents the physical layout that consists of structural walls, beams, columns, footings, and so on. The analytical model is created along with the physical model.

The analytical model is the engineering description of a structural physical model. The following elements have analytical model associated with them: Structural Columns, Structural Framing elements such as beams and braces , Structural Floors, Structural Footings, and Structural Walls. The analytical model is a 3D model that is used for structural analysis. In this model, you can add loads and material properties that are required for analysis.

To analyze the analytical model, transfer it into a third-party analysis software. After the analysis has been performed, the results of the analysis are returned to the building model physical and analytical in Revit.

The results that are returned to Revit, dynamically update the building model and the documentation associated with it. Autodesk Revit helps you to easily understand the tools and methods used in a project. In Autodesk Revit , you can access online help documentation Autodesk WikiHelp as well as local offline help documentation.

To access the help feature, click on the Help down arrow on the right of the InfoCenter ; a flyout with various help options will be displayed. The options to access the help are discussed next. To access the local Revit help, choose the Help tool from InfoCenter ; the Revit Help page will be displayed, as shown in Figure You can also display the Revit Help page by pressing the F1 key.

Don't worry if you don't know what a constraint or parameter is-we'll cover that too. Whether you've never worked in Revit software before, or you've used Revit for a while but you've simply avoided Family Editor, this lab will teach you the basics of the Family Editor in a simple step-by-step fashion, and in the best way possible: hands-on!

The session will use architectural examples, but the concepts apply to all of the flavors of Revit software, including Revit LT software. Autodesk University.

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Revit Family Creation: A Step-by-Step Introduction (Just For Beginners) - Tutorial de autodesk revit 2017 free


Whether you've never worked in Revit software before, or you've used Revit for a while but you've simply avoided Family Editor, this lab will teach you the basics of the Family Editor in a simple step-by-step fashion, and in the best way possible: hands-on! The session will use architectural examples, but the concepts apply to all of the flavors of Revit software, including Revit LT software. Autodesk University. Watch AU The Quick Access Toolbar , shown in Figure , contains the options to undo and redo changes, open and save a file, create a new file, and so on.

You can customize the display of the Quick Access Toolbar by adding more tools and removing the unwanted tools. To add a tool or a button from the panel of the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar , place the cursor over the button; the button will be highlighted.

Next, right-click; a flyout will be displayed. The Quick Access Toolbar can be customized to reorder the tools displayed in it. To do so, choose the down arrow next to the Switch Windows drop-down, refer to Figure ; a flyout will be displayed.

Use various options in this dialog box and choose the OK button; the Customize Quick Access Toolbar dialog box will close and the tools in the Quick Access Toolbar will be reordered. You can use InfoCenter to search for information related to Revit Help to display the Subscription Center panel for subscription services and product updates, and to display the Favorites panel to access saved topics.

Figure displays various tools in InfoCenter. The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the interface screen. When the cursor is placed over an element or a component, the Status Bar displays the name of the family and type of the corresponding element or components. It also displays prompts and messages to help you use the selected tools. The View Control Bar is located at the lower left corner of the drawing window, as shown in Figure It can be used to access various view-related tools.

The Scale button shows the scale of the current view. You can choose this button to display a flyout that contains standard drawing scales. From this flyout, you can then select the scale for the current view. The Detail Level button is used to set the detail level of a view. You can select the required detail level as Coarse , Medium , and Fine. Similarly, the Visual Style button enables you to set the display style.

The Options Bar provides information about the common parameters of a component type. It also displays options for creating or editing them. The options displayed in the Options Bar depend on the type of component being created and selected for editing. Figure displays the options in the Options Bar to create a structural column.

Figure The Options Bar with different options to create a structural column. The Drawing Area is the actual modeling area where you can create and view the building model. It covers the major portion of the interface screen.

You can draw building components in this area. The position of the pointing device is represented by the cursor. The Drawing Area also has the standard Microsoft Windows functions and buttons such as close, minimize, maximize, scroll bar, and so on. These buttons have the same function as that of the other Microsoft Windows-based programs.

The Project Browser is located below the ribbon. It displays project views, schedules, sheets, families, and groups in a logical tree-like structure, as shown in Figure and helps you open and manage them.

To open a view, double-click on the name of the view, or drag and drop the view in the Drawing Area. You can close the Project Browser or dock it anywhere in the Drawing Area. The Project Browser can be organized to group the views and sheets based on the project requirement. For example, while working on a large project with a number of sheets, you can organize the Project Browser to view and access specific sheets.

The current view in the drawing window is highlighted in bold letters. The default project file has a set of preloaded views. In Autodesk Revit, accelerator keys have been assigned to some of the frequently used tools. These keys are shortcuts that you can type through the keyboard to invoke the corresponding tool. Accelerator keys corresponding to a tool appear as a tooltip when you move the cursor over the tool. The Properties palette, as shown in Figure , is a modeless interface, which displays the type and element properties of various elements and views in a drawing.

The Properties palette is dockable and resizable, and it supports multiple monitor configurations. The Properties palette is displayed in the Revit interface by default and it shows the instance properties of an active view. When you select an element from a drawing, the Properties palette displays its instance properties.

You can also access the type properties of the selected element from the Properties palette. To do so, choose the Edit Type button from the palette; the Type Properties dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, you can change the type properties of the selected element.

In the Properties palette, you can assign a type to a selected element in a drawing from the Type Selector drop-down list. In Revit, you can toggle the display of the Properties palette in its interface.

Choose the Properties button in the Properties panel of the Modify tab to hide it. Similarly, you can choose the Properties button to display the palette if it is not visible in the interface. As you become accustomed to use Autodesk Revit, you will find these Keyboard Accelerators quite useful because they save the effort of browsing through the menus.

Some Autodesk Revit tools, when invoked, display a dialog box. A dialog box is an interface for accessing, specifying, and modifying the parameters related to that tool.

A dialog box consists of various parts such as dialog label, radio buttons, text or edit boxes, check boxes, slider bars, image box, buttons, and tools, which are similar to other windows-based programs. Some dialog boxes contain the [ There are certain buttons such as OK , Cancel , and Help , which appear at the bottom of most of the dialog boxes. The names of the buttons imply their respective functions.

The button with a dark border is the default button. The multiple document environment feature allows you to open more than one project at a time in a single Autodesk Revit session. This is very useful when you want to work on different projects simultaneously and make changes with reference to each other.

Sometimes, you may need to incorporate certain features from one project into the other. With the help of multiple document environment feature, you can open multiple projects and then use the Cut , Copy and Paste tools from the Clipboard panel of the Modify type of element tab to transfer the required components from one project to another. To access the opened projects, click on the Switch Windows drop-down list in the Windows panel of the View tab; the options for the names of different opened project files will be displayed, as shown in Figure Like other Microsoft Windows-based programs, you can select and view the opened projects using the Cascade Windows and Tile Windows tools from the Windows panel of the View tab.

The cascaded view of projects is shown in Figure This enables structural engineers to collaborate with Architects. One of the important aspects of the job of a structural engineer is to collaborate and share information with the rest of the design team including the architect.

Revit can import the models and geometries as ACIS solids. This feature makes Autodesk Revit an efficient, user-friendly, and compatible software. Building Information Modeling BIM is defined as a design technology that involves the creation and use of coordinated, internally consistent, and computable information about a building project in design and construction.

Using BIM, you can demonstrate the entire life cycle of a building project starting from the process of construction, facility operation, and information about quantities and shared properties of elements. BIM enables the circulation of virtual information model from the design team to contractors and then to the owner, thereby adding changes and their knowledge to update the model at each stage of transfer. The ability to keep information up-to-date and make it available in an integrated digital environment enables the architects, owners, builders, and engineers to have clear vision of the project before the commencement of actual construction.

It also enables them to make better and faster decisions to improve the quality and profitability of projects. Autodesk Revit is a specially designed platform based on BIM. In Revit, the analytical and physical representations of a structural model are created simultaneously. These representations are just different views of a computable building model that contains necessary information for a third-party analysis application.

Revit provides a common modeling interface for third-party analysis applications. You can use Revit API to move data directly from the Revit building information model to the analysis software. You can further bring back the analysis while keeping the analysis, design, and documentation synchronized. In Revit, change anywhere is change everywhere. A change made in your project at any stage is reflected in the entire project, and also, due to the parametric behavior of elements, the project is updated automatically.

Also, the integration of Revit with the available in-built commercial tools such as solar studies, material takeoffs, and so on greatly simplifies the project design and reduces the time consumed by these analyses, thereby enabling faster decision making. Worksharing is a method of distributing work among people involved in a project, and accomplishing it within the stipulated period of time.

In worksharing, each person involved in the project is assigned a task that has to be accomplished through proper planning and by coordinating with the other members of the team. In a large scale building project, worksharing helps in finishing a project in time and meeting the quality requirements that are set during the process. Generally, in a large scale building project, worksharing is based on the specialization of work.

The professionals such as structural engineers, architects, interior architects, and MEP engineers are involved in their respective fields to accomplish the project. So, the distribution of work at the primary stage is made on the basis of the area of specialization. Each professional has his own set of work to perform for the accomplishment of the project.

Therefore, worksharing is an important process that is required to be implemented efficiently to complete the project in time. In Autodesk Revit, you can apply server-based worksharing with the help of Revit Server, which is a server application.

The central server hosts the central model of a workshared project and remains accessible to all team members over the Wide Area Network. The local server hosts a local updated copy of the central model. In the Worksharing environment, the team members are not aware of the local server as it is transparent in their daily operations.

Refer to Figure for the network model of Revit Server. In Worksharing environment, a team member starts working on the local model of the central model. The local model will be saved in the computer of the team member. As the team member works, the local server requests updated information from the central model on the central server, using available network capacity to transfer the data over the WAN.

The updated version of the model is stored on the local server, so the updates are readily available when a team member requests them. In Autodesk Revit, the physical model represents the physical layout that consists of structural walls, beams, columns, footings, and so on. The analytical model is created along with the physical model. The analytical model is the engineering description of a structural physical model.

The following elements have analytical model associated with them: Structural Columns, Structural Framing elements such as beams and braces , Structural Floors, Structural Footings, and Structural Walls. The analytical model is a 3D model that is used for structural analysis. In this model, you can add loads and material properties that are required for analysis. To analyze the analytical model, transfer it into a third-party analysis software. After the analysis has been performed, the results of the analysis are returned to the building model physical and analytical in Revit.

The results that are returned to Revit, dynamically update the building model and the documentation associated with it. Autodesk Revit helps you to easily understand the tools and methods used in a project. In Autodesk Revit , you can access online help documentation Autodesk WikiHelp as well as local offline help documentation.

To access the help feature, click on the Help down arrow on the right of the InfoCenter ; a flyout with various help options will be displayed.

The options to access the help are discussed next. To access the local Revit help, choose the Help tool from InfoCenter ; the Revit Help page will be displayed, as shown in Figure You can also display the Revit Help page by pressing the F1 key.

You can use this page to get information on various tools and enhancements introduced in Autodesk Revit There are two tabs provided in this page. The options in these tabs will help you speed up the search process. These tabs are discussed next. In Revit , BIM has been introduced as an add-in.

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